The City of Dixon Readi-Ride Transit Service is proud to celebrate 40 years of providing safe and reliable transportation to the residents of Dixon.
In April 1983 the City established Readi-Ride to provide dial-a-ride transit service with one nine-passenger van. In the first year, Readi-Ride completed 2,960 rides. In 2010, through grant funds from proposition 1B Public Transportation Modernization Improvements and Service Enhancement Account, Dixon Readi-Ride purchased two new wheelchair accessible mini vans designed for a Paratransit Intercity Service.
Over the past 40 years, Readi-Ride has grown to a fleet of eight 20-passenger buses, two mini vans and an 8-passenger bus for paratransit. At its peak in 2019, the system provided 61,726 rides a year, averaging 246 rides per day.
“We would like to take this opportunity to thank our passengers, staff, and City Council for their support over the years,” said Transit Supervisor Vicki Jacobs, “We look forward to serving our community for many years to come.”
Readi-ride currently provides door-to-door transit service within Dixon city limits between the hours of 7:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-4:00pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and Wednesday between 7:00am-11:00am and 12:00pm-4:00pm. Readi-ride also provides paratransit services to Davis and Vacaville to eligible individuals. Residents can call (707) 678-5020 to request a ride.