Measure J


Notice is hereby given that the following measure is to be voted on at the General Municipal Election to be held in the City of Dixon on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2024:

Keep Dixon Dixon Measure: Shall the measure maintaining local control of the City of Dixon’s financial stability and essential services including 911 emergency response times, fire/paramedic protection; retaining/attracting firefighters/paramedics/police; preventing crime; providing safe routes to school; keeping public spaces safe/clean; attracting/retaining local businesses; repairing streets/potholes; by establishing a 1¢ sales tax until ended by voters, providing approximately $3,000,000 annually, requiring public spending disclosures/all funds used in Dixon, be adopted?”



DIRECT WRITTEN ARGUMENTS:  Any person or association wishing to submit a direct written argument "in favor of” or "in opposition to" the ballot measure shall file the argument before 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 16, 2024. Direct written arguments shall not exceed 300 words in length. Written argument submissions shall be accompanied by the printed name(s) and signature(s) of the author(s). Arguments that are selected for printing and distribution to the voters will be selected in accordance with Elections Code section 9287. There is a 10-day public examination period for direct written arguments, which begins on August 16, 2024 and ends on August 26, 2024.

REBUTTAL  ARGUMENTS:  The authors of the direct arguments may submit a rebuttal argument to the opposing direct arguments referenced above. Rebuttal arguments "in favor of" or "in opposition to" the ballot measure shall be filed before 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 20, 2024. Rebuttal arguments shall not exceed 250 words in length. There is a 10-day public examination period for rebuttal arguments, which begins on August 20, 2024 and ends on August 30, 2024.

INFORMATION REGARDING SUBMISSION OF ARGUMENTS: All written arguments must be filed with the Administrative City Clerk and be accompanied by an Argument Submittal Form. Argument Submittal Forms are available from the Administrative City Clerk. The City Clerk’s Office is located at:

Dixon City Hall
600 East A Street
Dixon, CA 95620

For additional information concerning the filing of ballot argument forms and written arguments, please contact the Administrative City Clerk by telephone at (707) 678-7000 or by email at

The full text of the measure, and all ordinances and resolutions related to the proposed measure, are available for review with the Administrative City Clerk.

The polls will be open between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.

Argument/Rebuttal Form

Resolution 24-124: A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Dixon, California, Declaring a General Municipal Election to be Held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, for the Submission of a Ballot Measure to the City of Dixon Qualified Voters to Approve a Local One Cent (1¢) Sales Tax for Public Safety Funding and General City Revenue Purposes; and Requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of Solano to Consolidate the Election with the Statewide General Election and Permit the County Registrar of Voters to Render Election Services.                                                   

          July 25, 2024 Summary Report - Sales Tax Measure 

Impartial Analysis

Argument In Favor (10-Day Public Inspection Period, August 16, 2024 - August 26, 2024)

Argument Against (10-Day Public Inspection Period, August 16, 2024 - August 26, 2024)

Rebuttal to Argument In Favor (10-Day Public Inspection Period, August 20, 2024 - August 30, 2024)

Rebuttal to Argument Against (10-Day Public Inspection Period, August 20, 2024 - August 30, 2024)


The City of Dixon has placed Measure J on the November ballot, giving voters the chance to decide on a proposed local one-cent sales tax. The Keep Dixon Dixon Measure aims to protect the City’s financial stability while ensuring the continued provision of public services to the community.

Key Aspects of the Keep Dixon Dixon Measure

If approved, Measure J could generate approximately $3 million in local funding, helping the City maintain and enhance critical services, including:

    Acquiring, equipping and providing Police and Fire services

    Maintaining and improving 911 emergency responses times

    Ensuring safe routes to school 

    Keeping public spaces safe and clean

    Supporting local businesses

    Repairing and maintaining roadways  

Transaction and Use Taxes, also known as “sales taxes,” are taxes imposed on the sale of tangible goods at the retail level. Sales taxes do not apply to foods and groceries, prescription medicine, utilities, or payment for services.

Currently, the City of Dixon has a 7.375% sales tax rate. Of the 7.375%, the City receives 1%. If Measure J passes, the new sales tax rate in the City would be 8.375%, with 2% allocated to the City to support public safety and general services. 

If approved, the increase in sales tax rate would take effect after January 2025. The proposed 1% sales tax increase would continue until Dixon voters choose to end it in a future election.

Why is Measure J on the ballot?

Providing community programs and services is becoming increasingly challenging due to the financial difficulties that the City faces, such as changes in tax revenues and the rising costs of delivering essential services. Public safety services, in particular, have been affected as police officers and firefighters leave for neighboring counties.

Measure J Oversight and Transparency

If approved, Measure J would include accountability features to ensure transparency in the use of funds. If passed, the measure would require an annual audit and disclosure report detailing revenues and expenditures from the sales tax collections. This report would be posted on the City’s website for public review. 


Is the Keep Dixon Dixon Measure a general tax or a special tax? 
The Keep Dixon Dixon Measure  is a general tax, meaning it requires a simple majority voter approval ("50 percent plus one") to pass. The transactions and use general tax proposed by Keep Dixon Dixon Measure would take effect only if it receives a majority "YES" vote in the November 5, 2024 election.

How could the City use revenue from the Keep Dixon Dixon Measure?
If a majority of voters approve, revenues will go to the City’s General Fund to general City services, including public safety.

To maintain fiscal prudence and transparency, Keep Dixon Dixon Measure has been crafted with strict accountability requirements, such as annual audits that will be available for public review on the City's website.

If a majority of voters approve Keep Dixon Dixon Measure, it could generate approximately $3 million each year (until ended by voters) to help Dixon maintain and provide City services, such as:

  • Acquiring, equipping and providing Police and Fire services
  • Maintaining and improving 911 emergency responses times
  • Ensuring safe routes to school 
  • Keeping public spaces safe and clean
  • Supporting local businesses
  • Repairing and maintaining roadways  

If the Keep Dixon Dixon Measure passes, when would it go into effect?
If approved, Keep Dixon Dixon Measure would begin on January 1, 2025.

What would happen if the Keep Dixon Dixon Measure does not pass?
If a majority of voters do not pass the Keep Dixon Dixon Measure, the City may need to use its General Fund reserves to cover operational expenses.

If a majority of voters do not pass Keep Dixon Dixon Measure, the City may continue to struggle to attract essential public safety talent.

City Clerk Department
Phone Numbers
(707) 678-7000
Emergencies: Dial 911
City Hall
600 East A Street

Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.