Housing Element Update

This webpage serves as your one-stop shop for information about the project. We invite you to take a look around, share your thoughts, and check back often for updates on the process and to review draft documents.  The City of Dixon is embarking on a update of its Housing Element, one of the nine mandated elements of a City’s General Plan. To receive updates, please click "sign up for updates" below and enter your information.


 The Dixon City Council adopted the Dixon 6th cycle Housing Element (2023-2031) and corresponding update to the Natural Environment Element at their meeting of March 21, 2023. This action followed the review and recommendation of the Planning Commission, which reviewed the items on February 14, and March 14, 2023 and recommended approval of the items.

The Adopted Dixon Housing Element (2023-2031) was submitted to the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) on March 27, 2023 for the certification review. HCD reviewed the adopted Housing Element and requested minor non-substantive changes in early May. The modified Housing Element, dated 5/17/23, was resubmitted for review. On May 24, 2023, HCD issued a letter to the City certifying Dixon's Housing Element.   

Please see "Project Documents" section below for links to the all documents and materials related to this project, including updates to the Natural Environment Element


What is a Housing Element?

A Housing Element is one of nine, State mandated elements of a General Plan and is required to be updated more frequently than a General Plan.  A Housing Element provides an analysis of a community’s housing needs for all income levels and strategies to provide for those housing needs. 

Just like with a General Plan, the Housing Element includes goals, policies, programs and objectives to guide future housing growth to meet the needs of residents of all income levels in a City. It also identifies projected housing needs by income category and requires certification by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for compliance with state housing laws. 

Why Update the Housing Element?

Housing Elements are required to be updated at least every eight years, in accordance with a statewide update cycle. The City currently has a certified Housing Element for 2015-2023. As the end of the 8 year cycle nears, the City has embarked on an update to prepare an Element for the next Housing Element cycle.  This next update is to cover 2023 through 2031 and is required to be completed by January 31, 2023.  This is called the 6th Cycle Update.

An HCD certified Housing Element enables the City to be eligible for various state grants and funding sources. The State requires that Housing Elements be updated and certified regularly to reflect the most recent trends in demographics and employment that may affect existing and future housing demand and supply.

What is the Process and How Long Will It Take?

The City has taken the first steps to initiate the project. Future steps will include:

Existing Conditions and Needs

Land Inventory

Fair Housing Assessment, 

  • Assessment of Housing Needs
  • Housing Constraints
  • Housing Goals, policies and objectives
  • Housing conditions survey
  • Preparation of Draft Housing Element
  • Safety Element update
  • Environmental Review
  • There will be community workshops, Planning Commission and City Council study sessions and hearings. The community is encouraged to participate throughout the process which we anticipate will take about 1.5 year to complete (by January 2023)

Joint Effort with Solano County Housing Element Collaborative 

The Solano County Regional Housing Element Collaborative is a shared effort among the cities of Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun City, Vacaville, Vallejo, and the County of Solano to update their Housing Elements. The goal of the Collaborative is for the jurisdictions to work together collaboratively by creating a regionally focused needs assessment and fair housing analysis and to save time, money, and resources by sharing information collectively. This effort will allow the Solano County Transportation Authority (STA)  to continue to facilitate and maintain relationships with the jurisdictions, non-profits, and affordable housing advocates after the Housing Elements are adopted. The Housing Element update will include more extensive regional outreach to gather input and needs throughout the County.

The Solano County Collaborative was formed to share resources and prepare a regional Housing Needs Assessment and a regional Assessment of Fair Housing Data across the County, rather than each City preparing their own. The Collaborative will serve to  prepare these documents for use by each city. The Solano Housing Collaborative will host various regional meetings, to solicit input and provide updates. For more information, see https://solhousingelements.com/

Who Can Participate?

All residents, business owners, community groups and other stakeholders within Dixon are encouraged to take part in this project and shape the future of the community.


Project Documents 

HCD Letter of Certification of Dixon's 6th Cycle (2023-2031) Housing Element, May 24, 2023

Final 6th Cycle Dixon Housing Element (2023-2031) Adopted /Certified  - Adopted by City Council March 21, 2023/Certified by HCD May 24, 2023

Dixon 6th Cycle Housing Element (2023-2031) Adopted 3/21/23, Revised 5/17/23, Certified 5/24/23- Final, Clean copy

Appendices 1, 2, and 3 of Dixon 6th Cycle Housing Element 

Revised Adopted Dixon 6th Cycle Housing Element (2023-2031), dated 5/17/23 - See pages 28 and 31 of the attached document for the red lined changes requested by HCD

Adopted Dixon Housing Element (2023-2031) - Adopted by City Council March 21, 2023
Adopted Dixon Housing Element, dated "March 21, 2023"  Clean, no track changes
Adopted Dixon Housing Element, dated "March 21, 2023" Tracked changes 

Appendices 1-3 of Housing Element (Appdx 1 - Regional Public Outreach and Engagement, Appdx 2 Regional Housing Needs Assessment and Regional and Appdx 3 - Dixon Assessment of Fair Housing), 
Appendices 1-3, dated "March 21, 2023" - Clean, no track changes  
Appendices 1-3, dated "March 21, 2023" - Tracked Changes 

Staff Report to City Council - March 21, 2023 
Click on "Agenda" link for 3/21/23 Planning Commission (under archived meetings). Then click the link for Item #10.1 within the agenda 

City Council Resolution No 23-056 Adopting EIR Addendum to the EIR for the Dixon 2040 General Plan in connection with the adoption of the Dixon Housing Element and Natural Environment Element update 

City Council Resolution No 23-057 Adopting 2023-2031 Dixon Housing Element for 6th Housing Element cycle as part of the Dixon 2040 General Plan 

City Council Resolution No 23-058 Adopting 2023 update to the Natural Environment Element as part of the Dixon 2040 General Plan 

City Council Resolution No 23-059 Suspending Measure B for the term of the the 6th Housing Element cycle 

Adoption Draft Dixon Housing Element (2023-2031) - For February 14 and March 14, 2023  Planning Commission hearings and March 21, 2023 City Council hearing 
Adoption Draft Housing Element, FULL document with Appendices, dated "January 2023"  Clean, no track changes (Large document)
Adoption Draft Housing Element, FULL document with Appendices, dated "January 2023" Tracked changes since HCD review and comment (Large document)
Adoption Draft Housing Element, without Appendices, dated "January 2023"  Clean, no track changes 

Adoption Draft Housing Element, without Appendices, dated "January 2023"  Tracked changes since HCD review and comment 

Appendix 1 - Regional Public Outreach and Engagement, dated "January 2023" No changes since HCD review and comment

Appendix 2 - Regional Housing Needs Assessment, dated "January 2023" No changes since HCD review and comment

Appendix 3 - Regional and Dixon Assessment of Fair Housing, dated "January 2023"  Clean,  no track changes 

Appendix 3 - Regional and Dixon Assessment of Fair Housing, dated "January 2023" Tracked changes since HCD review and comment 

Click on "Agenda" link for 2/14/23 Planning Commission (under archived meetings). Then click the link for Item #9.1 within the agenda

Staff Report to Planning Commission
, March 14, 2023 (Continued from Feb 14th)
Click on "Agenda" link for 3/14/23 Planning Commission (under archived meetings). Then click the link for Item #10.1 within the agenda

Planning Commission Resolution No 2023-002 Recommending Adoption of an EIR Addendum in connection with the adoption of the Dixon Housing Element and Natural Environment Element update 

Planning Commission Resolution No 2023-003 Recommending Adoption of the 2023-2031 Dixon Housing Element for 6th Housing Element cycle as part of the Dixon 2040 General Plan 

Planning Commission Resolution No 2023-004 Recommending Adoption of the 2023 update to the Natural Environment Element as part of the Dixon 2040 General Plan  

Planning Commission Resolution No 2023-005 Recommending Suspension of Measure B for the term of the the 6th Housing Element cycle 

Adoption Draft Dixon Natural Environment Element (2023) - For Feb 14 and March 14, 2023  Planning Commission and March 21, 2023 City Council hearings

Click on "Agenda" link for 2/14/23 Planning Commission (under upcoming meetings). Then click the link for Item #9.1 within the agenda

Staff Report to Planning Commission, March 14, 2023 (Continued from Feb 14th)
Click on "Agenda" link for 3/14/23 Planning Commission (under upcoming meetings). Then click the link for Item #10.1 within the agenda

Staff Report to City Council - March 21, 2023

Click on "Agenda" link for 3/21/23 Planning Commission (under archived meetings). Then click the link for Item #10.1 within the agenda

Resolutions Adopting Update to Natural Environment Element - See Resolution above, in Housing Element Section

CEQA Addendum to the General Plan EIR for the 2023–2031 Housing Element and 2023 Natural Environment Element Update, January 2023 

Resolution adopting EIR addendum for project  - See above, in Adoption hearings by City Council

See Environmental Review web page for documents related to Addendum to EIR for this project 

Notice of Availability and/or Notice of Public Hearing for Adoption Hearings 
Planning Commission hearing, February 14, 2023 
Planning Commission hearing (continued), March 14, 2023  
City Council hearing
, March 21, 2023 (Following completion of Planning Commission review and recommendation)

HCD Formal Comments on Draft Housing Element December 21, 2022

Revised HCD Submittal Draft Dixon Housing Element (2023-2031) - Submitted to State HCD 12/21/22

Preliminary Comments and Change Log, December 14, 2022
Revised HCD Submittal Draft Housing Element, without Appendices, dated "Revised December 2022"
Appendix 1 - Regional Public Outreach and Engagement (No change since original submittal)
Appendix 2 - Regional Housing Needs Assessment, dated "Revised December 2022"
Appendix 3 - Regional and Dixon Assessment of Fair Housing, dated "Revised December 2022"

HCD Submittal Draft Dixon Housing Element (2023-2031) - Submitted to State HCD 9/27/22, for 90 day review period,
HCD Submittal Draft Housing Element, without Appendices

Appendices 1-3 for HCD Submittal  Draft Housing Element

Public Review Draft Dixon Housing Element (2023-2031) - Released 8/12/22, for 30 public review period, ending 9/13/22 at 5pm
Regional Housing Element Workshops
PowerPoint Presentation from Regional Housing Element Workshop (3.30.22 11:30am + 6pm) English / Spanish
PowerPoint Presentation from Regional Housing Element Workshop (1/26/22 11:30am + 1/27/22 6pm) English Spanish

Housing Element Update / Natural Environment Element Update  - Kick Off Meetings with Planning Commission and CIty Council 
Planning Commission meeting, March 8, 2022  -  Power PointStaff Report
City Council meeting, March 15, 2022  - Power PointStaff Report

Final Solano County 6th Cycle Regional Housing Needs Plan, November 2021
Resolution from 4C approving RHNA Housing Methodology_9/16/21

Existing City Documents
Dixon Certified Housing Element (2015-2023)


Upcoming Meetings

There are no further meetings as the Housing Element and associated Natural Environment Element have been adopted by the City Council. The Dixon Draft Housing Element for 2023-2031 will be submitted to the State HCD for review and certification the week of 3/21/23.

Past City Meetings

Video and any Staff Reports for these city meetings can be viewed at https://www.cityofdixonca.gov/MeetingAgendasMinutesVideos. From that page, navigate to the archived meeting section and find by hearing body and date of meeting. There will then be a links to the agenda (which includes the staff report), and video/audio from the meeting.

  • Planning Commission (March 8, 2022) Report and introductory presentation on the Housing Element update. Power Point Presentation   
  • City Council (March 15, 2022) Report and introductory presentation on the Housing Element update. Power Point Presentation
  • Planning Commission (September 13, 2022) Review of draft Housing Element prior to submittal to State HCD. Power Point Presentation
  • City Council (September 20, 2022) Review of draft Housing Element prior to submittal to State HCD. Power Point Presentation
  • Planning Commission (February 14, 2023) - Adoption hearing for review and recommendation to City Council. Power Point Presentation 
  • Planning Commission (March 14, 2023)  - Adoption hearing for review and recommendation to City Council, continued. Power Point Presentation 
  • City Council (March 21, 2023) - Adoption hearing.  Power Point Presentation 
  • City Council (June 4, 2023) - Update on technical changes made to adopted Element during certification review and certification of Element
  • Planning Commission (July 11, 2023) - Update on technical changes made to adopted Element during certification review and certification of Element

Past Regional Meetings

The following are county wide, regional Housing Element meetings held by the Solano County Collaborative. These were held on: 

Regional Meeting #1 (same topic, two different sessions)

Wednesday, January 26, 2022Video from meetingPowerPoint (English)PowerPoint (Spanish)
Thursday, January 27, 2022Video from meetingPowerPoint (English)PowerPoint (Spanish)

Regional Meeting #2 (same topic, two different sessions)
The Solano County Housing Element Collaborative hosted two regional workshops to discuss the findings of the joint Housing Needs Assessment and preparing a regional Housing Needs Assessment and a regional Assessment of Fair Housing on March 30, 2023. Two sessions are provided, 11:30am and 6:00pm.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022Video from meetingPowerPointPowerPoint (Spanish)Flyer (English and Spanish)
Wednesday, March 30, 2022Video from meeting
PowerPointPowerPoint (Spanish)Flyer (English and Spanish)
Regional Meeting #3 (same topic, two different sessions).

Fair housing requirements and a summary of the fair housing findings for Solano County. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2022View meeting recording and presentation here
Wednesday, June 1, 2022View meeting recording and presentation here

Check out the Solano County Regional Housing Element web site for information at https://solhousingelements.com/


We would like to hear from you! Please provide your comments by clicking here. If you would like to receive project updates, check the box at the end of the form. 


To sign up to receive notifications for the project, please click here


City staff are available to answer questions or to provide additional information on the Housing Element Update. Email Raffi Boloyan, Community Development Director at rboloyan@cityofdixon.us.

General Information
Community Development Director
Raffi Boloyan
Chief Building Official
Larry Paisley
Associate Planner
Scott Greeley
Building Inspector
Joel Engrahm
Contract Permit Technician
Terra Hudson
600 East A St.

Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm