The City of Dixon owns and operates a stormwater drainage system that incorporates storm drain inlets and piping, several detention ponds, and serves eight drainage basins within the Dixon General Plan boundary. This system collects stormwater and drainage runoff, detains the said water runoff, and discharges into the Dixon Resource Conservation District ditch system south of the City limits. This ditch system, in turn, drains into Hass Slough and navigable waterways to the south.
The City stormwater drainage collection system is a separate piping system independent from the sanitary sewer collection system. The stormwater system, per State requirements, is intended to collect rainwater runoff only.
Please join us to help keep the City of Dixon clean & green while protecting our downstream watersheds. This year we will be welcoming volunteers at Industrial Stormwater Pond at 600 Industrial Way, on Saturday, April 26, 2025, from 9 am to 11 am. For more information on the event, please check out the below flier and visit for waivers and what to expect.
New development and redevelopment projects are required to comply with the state's permit requirements regarding stormwater runoff. The city references state permit requirements, City Engineering Standards, and the California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA) Stormwater Best Management Practices Development Handbook for reviewing development and redevelopment projects for compliance.
To report a stormwater violation, please contact the State Water Resources Control Board.
Flooding conditions: If citizens of Dixon or unincorporated areas are in need of sand and sandbags for flooding conditions they can pick up the sandbags at the Dixon Fire Department located at 205 Ford Way. Sand for City residents is located at the old Ace Hardware Site (N. Jackson at West A). Sand for County residents is located at the end of Industrial Way.